FREE Blueprint to a Better, more sustainable Art/Craft Business

Download this eBook today and start building a more profitable business today!

Getting More Sales in Your Booth, Shop or Online Store Isn’t Luck—It’s the Result of How You Control Your Branding and Visibility

Clarifying your identity as a maker is the smartest way to create a consistent brand that attracts more traffic. This blueprint will help you begin to understand the 4 steps to creating a lasting and amazing business, whether you have a booth, a brick and mortar shop, or an online store. These 4 steps will bring you lasting change and sustainable growth in your art/craft business. 

Grab it FREE right now and start building the art/craft business you have always wanted!

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Hi I m Jane!

I’ve been an artist and crafter for over 30 years. I’ve done everything there is when it comes to selling my handmade creations: flea markets, small and very large art and craft shows, I’ve had booths in other peoples stores, and I have owned 3 of my own stores. 

I hear artists and crafters saying the same things all the time. The biggest complaint is that sales are down- “I’m not selling much”, “no one is buying right now”, and the second complaint I hear is that creators like us have a hard time narrowing down on what to create. “I want to do it all”, “I love everything so it’s hard to focus on one type of craft, or one style.” 

This blueprint will help you begin to understand the 4 steps to creating a lasting and amazing business, whether you have a booth, a brick and mortar shop, or an online store. These 4 steps will bring you lasting change and sustainable growth in your art/craft business. 

Grab this FREE Blueprint today and start building the business you have always wanted.